Wednesday, December 10, 2008

our outing to the park and the cable car point place thing :P

Well, we went to the park!!!! Wohoooooo

Saeid, a friend of mine (married) was kind enough to take the kids and I out for a day: D

We went to the park, which was more like a forest!!!
We walked up hill, and I will say, I suffered from a minor heart-attack lol

The kids played, ran around, it was great, but sima the little devil took off her gloves and scarf, and her tum tum kept peeking out. After many may many comments to her she finally covered up. But toooo late, she got a cold!!!
We then went to the cable car (no clue what its called) and had some hot chocolate and we saw Tehran at night, which was gorgeousssssssssssssssssssssssss.

After which we had some burgers and chips for dinner :D the kids (yes me including) were very happy and full :P

Saeid gave me a present, which is amazing, it is a replica of the human rights that king Cyrus (Persian call him Koroush) wrote, and the original is in the UN building in the US. It means a lot to me to have it

So now I learned how to make my own soup stock and all, cook chicken) including bones, root veg, garlic and all, strain, much, add small chopped carrots, potatoes and noodles, tomatoes and some cubed chicken. And spices, voila!


saeid said...

great day with good friends.

See you later :)

Iridescent Orchid said...

ohhh, my mistake, itsnot darake, but darband!!!!!! ghalyooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!!!!